How Often Should You Floss?

Sep 28, 2021

The Center of Disease Control (CDC) discovered startling data in search of finding out how often Americans flossed back in 2016:

  • 32% of Americans report to never floss
  • 37% of Americans don’t practice daily flossing

When the negative health effects of not flossing include gum disease, cavities, bleeding gums, bad breath, and more, why are these dangerous flossing habits so common nationwide? Whether it’s a lack of widespread oral hygiene education or the mere confusion of what a healthy flossing schedule looks like, let’s explore the answer to how often should you floss.

The Reality of Modern Flossing Habits

Since those alarming statistics, recent data seems to be showing more Americans practicing healthy flossing habits. A 2019 study found the following results:

  • 41% floss once-a-day
  • 24% floss a few times a week
  • 11% floss a few times a month
  • 5% floss a few times a year
  • 20% never floss

While this data does show that a majority of Americans floss less than the recommended amount, it is an improvement from 3 years earlier. The reported number of individuals who never floss jumped down from 32% to 20%, and this massive 12% improvement could be attributed to recent interest in nationwide studies around flossing and the newfound education that comes from these results. Additionally, these studies found that women are 26% more likely than men to floss on a daily basis.

Flossing: Quality vs. Quantity

Before we define how often you should floss, it’s important to note that flossing is only effective if you do it correctly. Most people just slide the floss in-between their teeth, move it up and down a bit, and proceed to the next space. No matter how often you floss, this won’t provide the deep clean necessary to effectively remove tarter and plaque.

An effective method among dental professionals is referred to as the C-Shape that helps you clean both teeth and below your gum line while flossing. To achieve this optimal flossing technique, gently insert the floss between your teeth and curve it around your tooth so that it wraps from front to back. This allows you to safely slide the floss down the sides of the tooth, cleaning the inside and corner edges, without causing trauma to gum tissue. Repeating this motion will ensure a deep clean that removes the tarter between your teeth.

Some modern flossing accessories, GumChucks being the prime example, are specifically designed to accomplish C-Shape flossing. Unlike one-piece flossers that hold the floss in a rigid position, GumChucks’ two-handle device gives you better leverage, letting you control the tension of the floss and allowing you to effectively clean the sides of each tooth. The handles make it easier for everyone to floss, especially those with limited dexterity, with the added bonus of never having to stick your fingers in your mouth!

How Often Should You Floss?

Dental professionals recommend that you floss daily, meaning once or twice a day. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests that the best time to floss is when it comfortably fits into your schedule. Some people prefer to floss in the morning so that they can start their day with a fresh mouth, while others choose to floss at night so that they go to sleep with a clean mouth. To practice healthy oral hygiene, you have the freedom to choose when you want to floss, as long as you’re effectively flossing with the C-Shape at least once-a-day.

GumChucks‘ design ensures a flossing experience that’s faster, easier, and more effective than competing flossers or traditional string floss. Our two handles with disposable flossing tips allow you to comfortably reach all your teeth, even those in the back while wrapping the floss around each tooth. This creates the vital “C-Shape” necessary to get below the gum line and effectively clean each tooth.


Click Here to Get Started with GumChucks Today!


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