by Clayton Bolinger | Nov 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Dental professionals recommend that you floss daily, meaning once or twice a day. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests that the best time to floss is when it comfortably fits into your schedule. To practice healthy oral hygiene, you have the freedom Clayton Bolinger | Sep 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
Maintaining bright white teeth can improve one’s self confidence as it’s a physical trait desired around the world. While most dental offices offer professional teeth whitening services, it’s often cheaper and more convenient to whiten teeth with an at-home Clayton Bolinger | Aug 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
Most people believe that teeth are made up of the same materials in that of bones, but your teeth are actually much stronger than your bones. While the development of human teeth begins in the womb, and permanent teeth generally erupt through the gums at the age Clayton Bolinger | Jul 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
Whether it’s due to an injury, old age, or merely having large fingers, there are a plethora of reasons as to why one’s limited dexterity may inhibit their flossing effectiveness. Common mobility issues can restrict one’s hands from completely flossing all Webmaster | Jan 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
Picture it: You’re getting ready to head out on a date and you check your breath… Rushing to the bathroom sink to solve the problem, you look down at your toothbrush and flosser. The age-old question overcomes you: is it better to floss before or after brushing?...
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